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Friday, January 28, 2011

Automobile industry in India Project Report

The automobile industry in India—the tenth largest in the world with an annual production of approximately 2 million units—is expected to become one of the major global automotive industries in the coming years. A number of domestic companies produce automobiles in India and the growing presence of multinational investment, too, has led to an increase in overall growth. Following the economic reforms of 1991 the Indian automotive industry has demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed restrictions. The monthly sales of passenger cars in India exceed 100,000 units.

In 1953, the government of India and the Indian private sector initiated manufacturing processes to help develop the automobile industry, which had emerged by the 1940s in a nascent form. Between 1970 to the economic liberalization of 1991, the automobile industry continued to grow at a slow pace due to the many government restrictions. A number of Indian manufactures appeared between 1970-1980.Japanese manufacturers entered the Indian market ultimately leading to the establishment of Maruti Udyog. A number of foreign firms initiated joint ventures with Indian companies.

Challenges faced by Indian Automotive Industry in the new age
The Indian automotive industry has been facing new challenges due to the rapid changes taking place during the last decade. This article discusses those challenges and initiatives taken by the government to overcome them.
The Indian auto industry is changing rapidly. During the last decade, many international auto manufacturers, either by themselves or in partnership with Indian companies, have started manufacturing activities in India. The ancillary industries have also grown in tandem. The quality of production in small- and medium-scale industries has improved to such an extent that they started exporting products to international manufacturers. The major breakthrough of recent years is the unveiling of "Nano" by Tata Motors during the auto expo 2007. This has received worldwide attention and proved that India can not only design an automobile of international standards but also execute the project at a much lower cost through innovative choice of components, materials, engine design etc.

These developments in the auto sector have given new confidence to everyone related to the auto industry and specifically to the government which resulted in the announcement of the Auto Policy 2006-2016 by the Ministry of Heavy Industries. According to the Auto Policy, the Indian auto sector is expected to grow to US$ 216 billion by 2016 and add 2.5 million new jobs to the economy. Every year two to three million people are expected to purchase new vehicles. Several million vehicles and components are expected to be exported to both developed and developing nations. To achieve these goals, it is important that the present GDP growth rate, which is more than 8 per cent, continues to remain at the same level for the next 8-10 years. The government is also giving some concessions to the auto industry. To realize the above growth predictions, it is important to overcome various challenges the industry is facing currently. Two of the foremost challenges are the spiraling cost of fuel and the paucity of highly skilled manpower.

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Service Quality Delivery of Reliance Fresh ProjectReport

‘Quality’ in a service organization is a measure of the extent to which the service delivered meets customer’s expectations because to the customer, quality is all about Meeting or exceeding their expectation.
The National quality institute web site defined quality as follows:
Quality is in the eye of the beholder. Yet we all recognize it when we
See it …… Quality is when you are so satisfied with a product or service
That you go out of your way to recommend it to other people”
There is a tendency to think of quality as being upscale, first class and
expensive. In fact, quality can be achieved at all price levels – if the need and desires of the customers are met, and exceeded.

The nature of most services is such that the customer is present in the delivery process. This means that the perception of quality is influenced not only by the service outcome but also by ‘the service processes. Reliance fresh is a store, which provides services to the customers. In this project it is estimated that to what extent the quality service is by reliance fresh and what role does the marketers play in delivering high quality goods and services to get the target customers. For research work both primary and secondary data are used. Customer to know their perceptions and belief fills questionnaire. Then in this report service quality model is explained which highlights the gaps that cause unsuccessful delivery of service. On the basis of this model five determinants of service quality are- Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, empathy, tangibles.

The model highlights the main requirements for delivering service quality.
It identifies five gaps that cause unsuccessful delivery.
1) Gap between consumer expectation and management perception.
2) Gap between management perception and service quality specification.
3) Gap between service quality specification and service delivery.
4) Gap between service delivery and perceived service.
5) Gap between perceived service and external communication

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Study of Customer Stisfaction towards Kotak Life Insurance Project Report

Introduction to the topic
This chapter will outline and overview the research topic and rational of this study, the objectives and the reason for the personal interest of the author for this study and will help readers to understand what is going to follow in this project.
Insurance is a federal subject in India and has a history dating back to 1818. Life and general insurance in India is still a nascent sector with huge potential for various global players with the life insurance premiums accounting to 2.5% of the country's GDP while general insurance premiums to 0.65% of India's GDP.[1]. The Insurance sector in India has gone through a number of phases and changes, particularly in the recent years when the Govt. of India in 1999 opened up the insurance sector by allowing private companies to solicit insurance and also allowing FDI up to 26%.

Definitions and theoretical concept framework
Customer loyalty has been examined by many researchers in the past and many of them have given various definitions around this concept. According to Heskett (2002), customer loyalty has been regarded as the sina qua non of an effective business strategy. Dick and Basu (1994, p.99) give a stronger conceptualization for customer loyalty. They view it as the “strength of the relationship between an individual’s relative attitude towards an entity (brand, Products, store, or vendor) and repeat patronage”.

Customer satisfaction
What is customer satisfaction?

Social psychologists, marketing researchers, and students of consumer behaviour, have extensively studied the concepts of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The increasing importance of quality in both Products and manufacturing industries has also created a proliferation of research, with more than 15,000 academic and trade articles having been published on the topic of customer satisfaction in the past two decades (Peterson and Wilson, 1992). Several conferences have been devoted to the subject and extensive literature reviews have been published (Day, 1977; Hunt, 1977; LaTour and Peat, 1979; Smart, 1982; Ross, et al., 1987, Barsky, 1992: Oh and Parks, 1997) The result of all this research has been the development of nine distinct theories of customer satisfaction. The majority of these theories are based on cognitive psychology, some have received moderate attention, while other theories have been introduced without any empirical research.

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Retail Industry in india Project Report

The word ‘retail’ is derived from the French word ‘retailer’, meaning ‘to cut a piece off’ or ‘to break bulk’. It includes all the activities directly related to the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal or non-business use. In simple terms, it implies a first-hand transaction with the customer.

A retailer buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers, either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller quantities to the end-user. Retailing involves a direct interface with the customer & the coordination of business activities from end to end- right from the concept or design stage of a product or offerings, to its delivery & post-delivery service to the customer. The world over the retail sector has grown rapidly with increasing sophistication and modernization of the life-style of households and individuals and with increasing globalisation of trade; India has begun to cater up rather astonishingly rapidly. The industry has contributed to the economic growth of many countries & is undoubtedly one of the fastest changing & dynamic industries in the India and world today.

For Indian retailing, things started to change slowly in the 1980s, when India first began opening its economy. Textiles sector (which companies like Bombay Dyeing, Raymond's, S Kumar's and Grasim) was the first to see the emergence of retail chains. Later on, Titan, maker of premium watches, successfully created an organized retailing concept in India by establishing a series of elegant showrooms. For long, these remained the only organized retailers, but the latter half of the 1990s saw a fresh wave of entrants in the retailing business. These were pure retailers with no serious plans of getting into manufacturing. These entrants were in various fields, like - Food World, Subhiksha and Nilgiris in food and FMCG; Planet M and Music World in music; Crossword and Fountainhead in books. As of the year ending 2000 the size of the Indian organized retail industry was estimated at around Rs. 13,000 crore. Retail growth is already gathering momentum and the organized retail industry is expected to grow by 30 per cent in the next five years and is expected to touch Rs. 45,000 crore in 2005. Thus, the growth potential for the organized retailer is enormous

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Brand Preference of Mobile Phones Project report

The Global Cellular Mobile Industry:
The global mobile phone industry is based on many different manufacturers and operators. The industry is based on advanced technology and many of the manufacturers are operating in different industries, where they use their technological skills, distribution network, market knowledge and brand name. Four large manufacturers of mobile phones are today dominating the global mobile phone industry; Nokia, Sony Ericson, Samsung and Motorola. In addition to these companies there are many manufacturers that operate globally and locally.

Telecom Industry in India
• The telecom industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. India has nearly 200 million telephone lines making it the third largest network in the world after China and USA.
• With a growth rate of 45%, Indian telecom industry has the highest growth rate in the world.
• Much of the growth in Asia Pacific Wireless Telecommunication Market is spurred by the growth in demand in countries like India and China.
• India‘s mobile phone subscriber base is growing at a rate of 82.2%.
• China is the biggest market in Asia Pacific with a subscriber base of 48% of the total subscribers in Asia Pacific.
• Compared to that India’s share in Asia Pacific Mobile phone market is 6.4%. Considering the fact that India and China have almost comparable populations, India’s low mobile penetration offers huge scope for growth.

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Customer Satisfaction on Mobile Service Provider Networks Project Report

Skills of Marketers
Marketers have 4 main skill sets that they bring to an enterprise:
1) Opportunity Identification:
Marketing begins before there is a product to sell. Many people think marketing is just selling whatever comes out of the manufacturing plant. It's the job of marketing to decide WHAT comes out of the manufacturing plant in the first place. Before a business can make money there must be opportunities for money to be made and it's marketing's job to define what those opportunities are. Marketers analyze markets, market gaps, trends, products, competition, and distribution channels to come up with opportunities to make money.

2) Competitive strategy/positioning:
Markets consist of groups of competitors competing for a customer's business. The job of marketing is to decide how to create a defensible sustainable competitive advantage against competitors. Marketers conceive strategies, tactics, and business models to make it hard if not impossible for competition to take away customers from their business.

3) Demand generation/management:
It's the job of marketing to create and sustain demand for a company's products. Marketers manage demand for a company's products by influencing the probability and frequency of their customer's purchase behavior.

4 ) Sales:
The ultimate goal of marketing is to make money for a business. In most company’s sales is a different discipline and department from marketing. But in order for salespeople to have any long term success in a company they must be led by marketing. The better job a company does of identifying opportunities, creating a differential sustainable competitive advantage, and generating demand for their products the easier it will be for salespeople to make sales.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sales And Promotion Strategy Of Virgin Mobile In Mobile Store Project Report

Rationale for the Study
In today’s intensely competitive, rapidly changing and highly complex environment characterize by diminishing customer loyalty, the need to be market –focused and customer centric is more critical than any other time in past. It is highly imperative for every organization to retain and use valuable information about their customer to enhance their business strategies and product and service offerings. Today, the key focus area of much organization is identification of a link between customer satisfaction and performance. However, satisfaction as the confirmation of expectation has started to be conceptualizing almost as a threshold for customers. The delivery of satisfaction is the minimum the customer expects.

This project is totally focusing on the consumer preferences towards different sales promotion techniques means which sales promotion technique is mostly preferred by the customer in the city of Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). As the sales promotion techniques are used for the marketing of the product so the research has done in the area of marketing. Today every firm is facing the situation of cut throat competition. So it becomes very important for every firm to promote its product otherwise it cannot survive in the market. These techniques are used in the marketing of product in the last stage which is called retailing. It is the stage from which the product directly goes in the hand of customer and today India is standing on the threshold of retail revolution and witnessing a great change in its retail landscape i.e. from unorganized retailing to organized retailing. Retail is growing with an annual rate of 40%. Its contribution towards GDP is 11% and towards employment is 8%. So after agriculture retailing is one of the biggest sources of employment in the country and is one of the largest industries in India. Although retail industry has existed in our country for centuries but it is only the recent past that it is witnessing such a tremendous growth.

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From the strict marketing point of view, the market structure in India is dichotomous having rural and urban markets. But many do not concur with this view as they contend that consumer everywhere is a consumer and hence their needs, aspirations, beliefs and attitudes will also be the same. The fact, however, remains that there are certain unique characteristic features which call for separate marketing strategies to be distinctively developed to suit the rural and urban market behaviour.

Conditions existing in urban markets at present can also be analyzed in this context. First, the urban markets have almost reached a saturation level that further tapping them with a high profit margin has become difficult. Secondly, competition is becoming tough in urban markets compelling many firms to incur heavy costs in promotional expenditure. Thirdly, the awareness level of urban consumers is high and hence product features have to be changed often. Needless to say this process needs a huge investment which will have a negative impact on profitability. Thus, except perhaps for easy reach the urban markets have become as oasis.

Significance of Rural Markets
The rural markets are estimated to be growing fastly compared to the urban markets. The potentiality of rural markets is said to be like a 'woken up sleeping giant'. These facts are substantiated in a study of market growth conducted by various researches. In recent years, rural markets have acquired significance in countries like China and India, as the overall growth of the economy has resulted into substantial increase in the purchasing power of the rural communities. On account of the green revolution in India, the rural areas are consuming a large quantity of industrial and urban manufactured products. In this context, a special marketing strategy, namely, rural marketing has taken shape. Sometimes, rural marketing is confused with agricultural marketing – the later denotes marketing of produce of the rural areas to the urban consumers or industrial consumers, whereas rural marketing involves delivering manufactured or processed inputs or services to rural producers or consumers.

A number of factors have been recognized as responsible for the rural market boom to come into existence:
1. Increase in population and hence increase in demand.
2. A marked increase in the rural income due to agrarian prosperity.
3. Standard of living is also increasing in rural areas.
4. Large inflow of investment for rural development programmes from government and other sources.
5. Increased contact of rural people with their urban counterparts due to development of transport and wide communication network.
6. Increase in literacy and educational level and resultant inclination to sophisticated lives by the rural folks.
7. Inflow of foreign remittances and foreign made goods into rural areas.
8. Change in the land tenure systems causing a structural change in the ownership patterns and consequent changes in the buying behaviour.
9. Rural markets are laggards in picking up new products. This will help the companies to phase their marketing efforts. This will also help to sell inventories of products out dated in urban markets.
Rural market has following arrived and the following facts substantiate this.

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Customer Relationship Management for AGR Automobiles Varanasi Project Report

Rationale for the Study
In today’s intensely competitive, rapidly changing and highly complex environment characterize by diminishing customer loyalty, the need to be market –focused and customer centric is more critical than any other time in past. It is highly imperative for every organization to retain and use valuable information about their customer to enhance their business strategies and product and service offerings. Today, the key focus area of much organization is identification of a link between customer satisfaction and performance. However, satisfaction as the confirmation of expectation has started to be conceptualizing almost as a threshold for customers. The delivery of satisfaction is the minimum the customer expects.

After completing the primary formalities for vocational training, the approach followed for the project was by .having debatable discussion on various topics with the project guide, and keeping in mind the total time duration 8 weeks, the project title “Study of the Customer Relationship Management for AGR automobiles Varanasi” was decided. Primarily, the researcher was given some random idea about this project at AGR automobiles. After having very basic understanding about it’s objective and it’s importance in the organization, helped in understanding the project better so as to make platform for analysis.

The objective behind making this project is to have the knowledge of the practices of Maruti Services by the Marketing Department. Maruti Suzuki India Limited 50% smaller, fewer, lighter and more beautiful. style and design quotient (formerly Maruti Udyog Limited), a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, is India's largest passenger car company, accounting for over of the domestic car market. From its very inception,Maruti Suzuki has brought to India,a simple yet powerful apanese philosophy The benefits of product quality, safety and cost consciousness have been fused and filliped in order to present the Indian populace with cars high on the . The extreme relevance of our brands in the Indian car arena, in beat with the lifestyles and desires of our changing nation has made us the market favourites, for over two decades. Gaining ground from strength to strength, we are inspirited now more than ever,to push boundaries and conquer new horizons.

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Perceptions vary from person to person. Different people perceive different things about the same situation. But more than that, we assign different meanings to what we perceive. And the meanings might change for a certain person. One might change one's perspective or simply make things mean something else .

The Raymond Group was incorporated in 1925 and within a span of a few years, transformed from being an Indian textile major to a global conglomerate.

In our endeavor to keep nurturing quality and leadership, we always choose the path untaken - from being the first in 1959 to introduce a polywool blend in India to creating the world's finest suiting fabric the Super 240s made from the superfine 11.6 micron wool.

Today, the Raymond group is vertically and horizontally integrated to provide customers total textile solutions. Few companies globally have such a diverse product range of nearly 20,000 varieties of worsted suiting to cater to customers across age groups, occasions and styles.

We manufacture for the world the finest fabrics - from wool to wool-blended worsted suiting to specialty ring denims as well as high value shirting.

After making a mark in textiles, Raymond forayed into garmenting through highly successful ventures like Silver Spark Apparel Ltd. and Regency Texteis Portuguesa Lda (for fine Tailored Suits, Trousers and Jackets), EverBlue Apparel Ltd. (Jeans wear) and Celebrations Apparel Ltd. (Shirts).

We also have some of the most highly respected apparel brands in our portfolio: Raymond, Raymond Finely Crafted Garments, Manzoni, Park Avenue, ColorPlus, Parx, Zapp! and Notting Hill.

The Raymond Group also has an expansive retail presence established through the exclusive chain of 'The Raymond Shop' and stand-alone brand stores for Raymond Finely Crafted Garments, Manzoni, Park Avenue, ColorPlus, Parx, Zapp! and Notting Hill.

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